Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinics
Cats: $50
Low cost services are available to anyone in New Jersey.
The St. Hubert's program works through the purchase of a voucher at St. Hubert's. The voucher is good for spaying or neutering at the St. Hubert's clinics in Madison, North Branch, or at 5 other participating vets or veterinary hospitals. Here's the link to that program: www.sthuberts.org/letsfixit
St. Hubert's
People for Animals
Cats: $100
Dogs: $165-$195 (based on sex and size)
People for Animals will pick up the pet in the morning at one of several designated Petco stores, and return the pet to you at the same petco store location the same day. There are discounts for low income clients or non-profit organizations. Here's the link to that program: www.pfaonline.org/neuter-scooter/petco
Pet owners can also take pets to the People for Animals spay/neuter clinics in Hillside or Robbinsville.
401 Hillside Ave
Hillside NJ 07025
(973) 282-0890
1 Sharon Rd
Robbinsville NJ 08691
(609) 208-3252